If you are a mom needing encouragement, these powerful prayers for moms are the perfect inspiration for the long days of motherhood!
Motherhood is one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking positions we can hold. As a mom you take on so much; the nurturing, the teaching, the nourishing, the guiding many times unknowingly and it can be exhausting. We put so much pressure on ourselves as moms and society doesn’t help.
Through social media and television, we are often bombarded with ideas of what motherhood should look like. We take on roles and tasks that we were never meant to take on to feel like we are good enough.
This isn’t the way motherhood was designed. We were not called to endless striving. We weren’t called to a motherhood journey that was highlighted by its perfection.
We were called to walk this journey alongside the Lord. We were given stewardship over our babies and our homes to participate in what God wants to do in them. So when the ideals of the world plague us to a place of exhaustion we have to reset and refocus through intentional quiet time and prayer. This post will offer a few short prayers for moms to help encourage you in this journey.
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What does god say about motherhood?
Being a mom is one of the greatest privileges I have been given. It is a gift to be able to guide little ones to a knowledge of a relationship with God. But it is hard. There are constantly ideas and counter culture that is driving our babies away from the beauty of a life surrendered to God, and simultaneously our motherhood is constantly tested. Having encouragement for the motherhood journey is important as is constantly praying for your children and yourself.
So what does the Lord say about motherhood? Well quite a lot! Here are a few bible verses of encouragement for mothers to pray!
In Isaiah 66:13, the bible says that God will comfort you much like a mother comforts her child!
The Proverbs 31:25 woman is said to be clothed with strength and dignity, she was also a mother!
1 Peter 3:4, tells us that we will be known for the beauty within our hearts.
Aside from these encouraging scriptures we also know that the Lord brought forth the savior of our souls, Jesus, through a woman! There are so many beautiful stories of amazing women in the bible, many of them mothers, so the word of God made room for moms, he loves us!
Encouraging Prayers for Moms
When we pray to God as moms we should pray for our children, ourselves and our households. As a busy mom it can be hard to take time out for yourself but you do have the time! The best thing about prayer is that it can happen anywhere anytime. Praying these prayers is a powerful to be strengthened during the overwhelming moments, uplifted when you have a heavy heart, and remember God’s unconditional love during the daily struggles of #momlife.
Prayer for mother’s strength
Day in and day out, moms are constantly giving of themselves. They poor into their children from the moment they are conceived. They pour into their families from the moment they wake to the time they go to sleep. So many of us moms are exhausted. The next prayer for moms is an example of a prayer for mother’s strength.
Heavenly Father, you are my refuge and strength. You are an ever-present help when times are hard. I look to you for help and seek your strength. I am at the end of my ability and I know that to continue to walk this road I have to seek you. I will wait for you. I will walk this road for you father! My strength is renewed when I sit at your feet. I thank you for giving me wisdom to rest in you and to press into you! I praise you for your consistency and for answering me with comfort before I can even utter the words. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Guiding Scriptures for pray for mom’s strength: Psalm 46:1-2, Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 59:19, Psalm 18:2
Prayer for overwhelmed moms
Do you feel overwhelmed or weary? With so much uncertainty and strife in this world, it is easy to feel as if you are constantly in over your head. Add to that the mental load that many moms face and you have a recipe for overwhelm. Spending intentional quiet time with the Lord is the best place to restore your strength and find divine strategy to be able to tackle the many tasks’ moms have. This prayer for moms can help calm the overwhelmed mom’s soul.
Lord in Heaven, I let it all go. Forgive me for striving and trying to do all things in my own strength. For me, living this way is impossible. Keeping my family and our lives running smoothly is not within my ability, but for you father, nothing is impossible. I will wait for you to move, Lord. Knowing that in you there is no weariness. You restore my soul when I press in to you. Although there seems to be a never-ending number of tasks on my to do list, I find productivity and strength to press on when I take the time to be in your presence. Thank you, Lord, for your peace, that calms my weary mama heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Guiding scriptures to pray for the overwhelmed mom: Matthew 19:26, Isaiah 40:31, Matthew 11:28, Philippians 4:6-7
Worried mom prayer
It is often said as a mother you walk with your heart outside of your body. Your little ones, whether they are young or old hold the key to your heart and often the whole of the anxiety you face. While we are often told not to worry, it is hard to live in a world with so many dangers and have these extensions of ourselves walking and growing away from us.
Recite this worried mom prayer when you are feeling the worries of this world close in around you.
Lord, I admit that I worry. I worry about the safety of my children. I worry about those around them. I worry about their health and my ability to see them walk into the future. I admit that at times the fears are unbearable, but your word says that you give me peace. Your word says that if I lay my cares before you, that you will give me peace. Lord I thank you for this truth. In this world there is tribulation father, but you give me peace. You are my hope because I believe with everything in me that you have overcome the world.
Thank you father for covering your children. Thank you for walking them along the road. Thank you for being the eyes and ears that keep them safe. I rest in the knowledge that they are yours ultimately. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Guiding scriptures to pray for peace of mind: John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7, John 16:33, Isaiah 26:3
Prayer for the mom who needs a break
Often times, the dreaded feeling of mom guilt can keep moms from taking the time they need to rest. They can feel like they can not stop going for fear that they will not be a good enough mother. We should challenge this falsehood. The best way to grow in your mothering is to sit in silence and rest at the feet of the Father. This prayer for moms will encourage you to take the time you need to care for yourself so that you can be the best you for your family.
Lord, I am weary, and I admit that at times I feel like I will fall behind if I take the time to rest. I desperately need a break. I desperately need time to be in your presence, but I find it hard to do that and still be productive at home. Lord, remind me what your word says about sabbath. I know Lord that you commanded we rest on the seventh day. Not out of obligation but for our benefit. Help me to embrace the spirit of sabbath and take intentional moments to slow down. Show me moments in my day where I can stop striving and rest in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scriptures about rest to pray: Matthew 11:28-30, Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 20:8-10, Psalm 55:6
Learn God’s intention for Time Stewardship
Embrace a rhythm of working and resting and get more done! Take our Purposeful Productivity Challenge and find more time for the daily tasks that matter and quickly begin creating routines that prioritize rest.
A mother’s Prayer for grace in parenting
Motherhood requires a significant amount of grace. We have to extend grace to our children and show them what that looks like so they can better understand that grace that God gives us. We have to extend grace to ourselves, because we are often so hard on ourselves and our decisions in parenting. This mother’s prayer for parenting can be recited when you need a little more grace.
Dear God, I thank you for your grace. I thank you for considering me and for saving me. I thank you for calling me holy. Not because of anything I have done, but because of your great love for me. Father I ask that you help me to extend grace to myself and my family. Help me to remember the free gift of grace you gave to me as I parent my children. Help me to forgive myself when I lose my temper or when things do not go as planned. Thank you for your guidance as I grow into the best mother I can be for my children. I praise your name. In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.
Guiding Scriptures on grace to pray: 2 Timothy 1:9, 2 Corinthians 8:7, Ephesians 4:7, John 1:14
Prayer for mothers to be
For me, one of the scariest times in my mothering was during pregnancy. With little control I watched the little one inside of my grow, and then I welcomed her into the world with little knowledge on what to expect. Moms to be need an extra prayer for comfort, strength, and wisdom as they welcome new life into the world. This prayer for moms to be can be prayed by both those connected to moms to be and the new mama herself.
Dear Lord, keeper of my soul, Lord I pray for the new life that you are forming. I pray that you will cover this child and keep this child throughout this pregnancy. Father I thank you for this child that I have prayed for. I wait patiently before you father as this pregnancy progresses. I pray for health for myself and this child and I pray that you will guide them safely from your hands to mine. Thank you for trusting me with this life. Give me guidance and wisdom as I teach this child in the way it should go.
I thank you for this journey and I praise you for the miracle of life! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Guiding scriptures to pray for moms to be: 1 Samuel 1:27, Psalm 37:7, Psalm 62:8, Psalm 91:4
Prayer for the Single Mother
While I can not speak to single motherhood specifically from experience, my heart goes out to those who may be raising children alone. This prayer is for you and the weight that can press down on a single mother’s shoulders as she carries out her role of both mom and dad. It also goes to those who are married but feel alone in their parenting.
Heavenly Father, I praise your holy name, I thank you for walking beside me in this season on motherhood. I praise your name for holding my family in the palm of your hands as I take on the task of stewarding the little hearts that you have placed in my care. Lord, I ask to see you in our lives every day! I pray for provision as I work to serve you and my children. O lord, I pray that you would shield their hearts from harm and danger, and you would cover my heart and mind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Guiding Scriptures to pray for Single Mothers: Isaiah 54:5-8, Philippians 4:19
Prayer for the working mother
Being a working mom can often feel like a juggling act. Balancing work and family responsibilities can be overwhelming at times, but we know that God is with us in every moment. This prayer for working mothers asks for strength, guidance and peace during the busyness of balancing work and motherhood.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for allowing me to provide for my family as well as work in the giftings you have given me outside of the home. I ask that you walk with me as I walk in two roles, but of mother and in my career. I thank you for the doors that you have opened in my life and ask that you give me guidance to walk through my career in a way that allows me to be present for my family as well! Give me strength to be tender at home even on long days! In Jesus’ name, amen!
Additional Prayer points for mothers
One of the things I always recommend using when you pray is prayer points. Having an idea of what you are asking for can give guidance and direction to your prayers as well as helps you to be specific. I am often reminded in prayer about the verse in Matthew (10:51) when Jesus asked the blind man “What do you want me to do for you.” Prayer points to me are a lot like being prepared to answer this question.
With that being said there are so many things that we can pray for as moms and for moms. Some of the prayer points for mothers that I consider are:
- Praying for strength
- Praying against anxiety
- Praying for health
- Pray for grace
- Praying for discernment in discipline
- Praying for restoration from exhaustion
- Pray for your peace
- Pray for rest
- Pray for the safety of your family
Each of these topics can be prayed regularly every day or can be used to organize a focus for your prayer each day!
When moms pray, miracles happen
In any situation, prayer is the ultimate answer. Regardless of what stage you are at in your motherhood journey, taking time to pray specific prayers for moms can provide the encouragement you need on your challenging days and amplify the joy on your good days.
Being a mom can undoubtedly be difficult, but with God by your side, you can discover joy in the everyday moments and find solace for the weariness that may come your way. Embrace the fulfillment and savor the present moments of parenthood, knowing that you were uniquely designed by God for this beautiful role!