Can praying help anxiety? How do you pray the worry away? In today’s world, anxiety seems to be a buzz word, and with good reason, there are so many fears and things that are constantly vying for our attention. There are so many reasons that we may feel anxious, stressed, and worried.
So how do we throw off these feelings and thrive even during all the uncertainty and chaos around us. Well, the answer is simple. We take our cares to the lord by praying for peace of mind and lifting up prayers for anxiety.
In this post, my hope is that you are encouraged to stop and pray for peace of mind when the worries around you feel numerous and know without doubt that our Father in Heaven is faithful to save!
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Can Praying for peace of mind help anxiety
I want to start with a disclaimer, speaking significantly about anxiety (which is a medical condition) is not my scope of care. I 100% believe that there are spiritual aspects to some mental diseases, but that does not mean you can not access the giftings of those who God has given specific grace and understanding of mental illness.
Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed. Proverbs 15:22
If you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, depressed or otherwise, it is never a bad idea to seek out wise counsel in the form of a therapist or counselor.
Now with that being said, there IS power in the name of Jesus, and praying for peace of mind can shift your heart posture and your circumstances. The caveat is you have to pray with a heart to hear, that is, pray and then wait for the Lord to impart wisdom and direction into your mind, heart, and situation.
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
We often get stuck in the speaking part of prayer, but prayer is a conversation. It is a two way dance between a Father and his beloved child. When we pray for anxiety (or better yet against it) we have to know that the conversation doesn’t stop when we stop speaking.
Receiving the peace of the Lord may come with directions to do or stop doing something that is adding to our stresses.
How do I pray for mental strength
So how do you pray for mental strength? What do prayers for anxiety look like? There are a multitude of different ways to pray to the Lord to choose from. Our prayers do not have to follow some specific recipe in order to be heard, they simply have to be sincere.
This means your prayers for anxiety could be as simple as a broken “HELP!” in the middle of a stressful moment, or a tear-filled lamentation at the end of a hard day. Simply lay your heart before the father, share with him what is happening.
When you pray for peace and calm against anxiety don’t worry about the fluffy words or making your prayer sound pulpit worthy, instead, pray in earnest to the father in whatever words come and then wait expectantly for him to fill you with comfort, peace, understanding and strength
Prayers for Anxiety
I have divided this post into two different halves of prayers. The first is praying against anxiety and stress. These are going to be war room prayers you pray against the spirit of fear which is a background reason many of us experience feeling anxious. The second set of prayers for anxiety will deal with praying for the Lord’s peace and calmness in your life.
Each prayer will have a guiding scripture to lead our prayer as one of the best weapons we have is praying the scriptures!
Prayers for anxiety
Read this verse: “I’m convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other thing that is created.” Romans 8:38-39
Pray this Prayer for anxiety: Father in heaven, I admit that I feel anxious, but when these thoughts conflict with the truth, I am encouraged by your word that says, that nothing can separate me from your love through Christ. I commit this promise to my heart so that when anxiety is strong around me, your word will be stronger! In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayers for anxiety and fear
Read this verse: “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no danger because you are with me. Your rod and your staff — they protect me.” Psalm 23:4
Pray this prayer for anxiety and fear: Lord, it is a fact that there is danger and stressors all around me, but the truth still remains that you are with me even still. I lean on the truth that you protect me and give me boundaries for safety. Help me to recall these when anxiety and fear seem overwhelming. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Read this verse: “Don’t fear, because I am with you; don’t be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand.” Isaiah 41:10
Pray this prayer for fear and anxiety: Father God, you are my strength! You are my righteousness. You lift me up when fear feels so overwhelming. In the midst of the storm I listen for your voice, constantly reminding me that you are with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayer for anxiety and depression
Read this verse: “Anxiety leads to depression, but a good word encourages.” Proverbs 12:25
Pray this prayer for anxiety and depression: Lord of all, your word is good. Your word is powerful. There is joy and peace in your word. Father, when I am tempted to be overwhelmed by the spirits of sadness and defeat, I am encouraged by your word! It is energy to my soul weary heart! I praise you for the moments when your word is revealed at just the right time! In Jesus’ name, Amen
Short prayers for anxiety
Read this verse: “Examine me, God! Look at my heart! Put me to the test! Know my anxious thoughts!” Psalm 139:23
Pray this short prayer for anxiety: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would search my heart, seek out the anxious thoughts known and unknown and reveal to me the root of these thoughts! Renew my mind in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Read this verse: “I sought the Lord and he answered me. He delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:3
Pray this short prayer: Father God I praise your name. There are so many times that I have felt defeated and every time you have been there to deliver me. You keep me in perfect peace and have all my life. You have never failed, so in this moment I am emboldened to know that you are faithful to do it again! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read this verse: “This is why we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper, and I won’t be afraid. What can people do to me?” Hebrews 13:6
Pray this prayer for anxiety: Father, help me. I lay at your alter. I lay down my cares before you. I walk in the boldness of a daughter of the Creator of the universe knowing that because I am held in your hands, the troubles of this world can not touch me, because my eternity is in you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayers for anxiety and worry
Read this Verse: “Cast your burden on the Lord — he will support you! God will never let the righteous be shaken!” Psalm 55:22
Pray this prayer for anxiety and worry: Father in Heaven, I lay my burdens at your feet. I sit before you and spend time in reverent conversation. I listen for your voice, and trust that you will not let me fall! In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayers for anxiety and stress
Read this verse: “Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7
Pray this prayer for stress and anxiety: Lord in Heaven, I am in awe at the fact that the creator of the Universe is concerned with me! I am overjoyed and filled with praise to know that even when it feels lonely, I am not alone, for you are with me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read this verse: “Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks.” Philipians 4:6
Pray this prayer for anxiety and stress: Father, I thank you for inclining your ear to me. Right now I life up (List any issues that you may be struggling with) this situation is making me feel (be honest about what you are feeling i.e., scared, frustrated, hurt, helpless). I praise you for your comfort, your peace and your guidance in this situation. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Healing prayers for anxiety
Read this verse: “Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
Pray this healing prayer for anxiety: Father, I can admit that in this moment I feel afraid, but I praise you anyway for the opportunity to put my trust in you. My faith grows stronger when I admit my fears and seek your comfort instead of my own understanding! In you alone is my hope and my trust. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer to stop worrying
Read this verse: “Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life?”
Pray this prayer to stop worrying: Lord in Heaven, You are the almighty God. You are all powerful with knowledge of everything that has been and everything that will be. Because you are sovereign, I can rest. I can slow down and focus on you and allow your hand to work as only it can. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayer for calming anxiety
Read this verse: “I want you to be free from concerns…” 1 Corinthians 7:32
Pray this prayer for peace of mind: Father I rest in this truth that you do not want me to be bogged down with the cares of the world. The striving and the hustle that commands our attention. Instead you want our focus to be on you, and in that sweet space where our minds are stayed on you, there is peace of mind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read this verse: “Say to those who are panicking: ‘Be strong! Don’t fear! Here’s your God, coming with vengeance; with divine retribution. God will come to save you.'” Isaiah 35:4
Pray this prayer for calming anxiety: Lord, you are the mighty one who saves. You are our rescuer and our healer. In you alone there is peace and rest from anxiety. When I am tempted to panic and to focus on what is going around me, may your voice be louder, urging me to look up. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayers for Calmness and Peace
The next samples of prayers you can pray when praying for peace of mind are those specifically for the peace and calmness that only can be found in the Lord. These prayers can be copied (I totally want you to save these for the rainy days) and recited or used as a start for your personal prayers in your prayer journal.
My hope is that they will be an encouragement when life throws you the inevitable curveball.
Prayer for calmness
Read this verse: “When my anxieties multiply, your comforting calms me down.” Psalm 94:19
Pray this prayer for calmness: Lord in heaven, in you there is peace and calm. Right now father, even as the anxieties are rising within me, you are my comfort. I feel calm knowing that the creator of the universe is inclining his ear to my concerns and has an answer ready! In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayer for peace and calm
Read this verse: “Don’t be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me.” John 14:1
Pray this prayer for calm and peace: In the name of Jesus, today, I bind the spirit of fear in my life and release the peace that comes through the mighty name of Jesus. Father, I cast my troubles on you, I seek you for shelter and comfort and I receive your sweet peace! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read this verse: “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Pray this prayer for peace and calm: Father God, I feel your presence and in it I am filled with peace. I claim peace in my heart and mind. I claim peace in my situation, in my home, and in my job. You peace and mercy go with me wherever I go. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayers for calmness and strength
Read this verse: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will fly up on wings like eagles; they will run and not be tired; they will walk and not be weary.” Isaiah 40:31
Pray this prayer for calmness and strength: Lord, I am tired, but in you I am strong. You are my strength and my comfort. I will praise you all my days because though I have walked through the hardest of times, I have strength in you! In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayer for calmness and patience
Read this verse: “Therefore, stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34
Pray this prayer for calmness and patience: Heavenly Father, In this moment I let go of all of my concerns and lay them at your altar. I can not change the future nor the past, so today I focus only on what is present and praise you for the blessings you bestow on me minute by minute. In Jesus name, Amen
Prayer for clarity of mind
Read this verse: “God didn’t give us a spirit that is timid but one that is powerful, loving, and self-controlled.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Pray this prayer for clarity of mind: Lord right now I rejoice that you did not give me a spirit of fear, and so the spirit that is trying to lay claim to my life has no holding. You instead gave me power through the blood of Jesus, love, and a sound mind. When anxiety is strong in me, I press into this truth knowing that clarity of mind is a gift from you, and I can access it when I seek and press into you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for inner peace and calm
Read this verse: “Happy are those who trust in the Lord, who rely on the Lord.” Jeremiah 17:7
Pray this prayer: I praise your name Lord, even in the midst of anxiety because my good days far outweigh my bad days, and even in those, you are good. I can rejoice because you are a good good father. I can rest because I know that I do not have to do this alone. I can lean on you, I can rest in you, and I can walk with you through every test, and smile knowing that you are with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Praying for Peace of mind at all times
We all go through stresses. We all need the peace of the Lord. There is never a wrong time for us to begin praying for peace of mind. The Lord offers us his peace as a gift. When we trust in him and seek out his word and his truth, we find calmness. When we cast our anxieties and worries on him, he is faithful to offer us his peace, wisdom, and strength.
Which of the above prayers are you going to keep for a rainy day?