In the transition seasons of life we want to know we are making the right decisions. In these seasons it is imperative that our prayers seek God’s guidance and direction.
When I was deciding whether or not to leave my corporate job and follow the leading that I felt God was guiding me to, less actual working days, and more service days. I struggled. I LOVED my corporate job. I enjoyed the comraderie, and the comfort of a steady salaried income. My humanity had trouble trusting the step of faith.
Prayer helped! As I laid my heart before God in my prayers, I could feel his leading, guidance, and direction for what my next steps were. My prayers were two way. I laid my heart before him, and I listened for his answer. Sometimes the answer came in quiet time, sometimes it came while I went about my day, but it always came.
If you are seeking direction for an upcoming decision try praying one of the following prayers for guidance and direction.
What does the bible say about praying for direction?
The resounding truth of the bible is that we can trust God with our lives. We can trust Him for direction. We can trust him for wisdom. We can believe what he has to say.
He has a plan for our lives. The plan was put into motion before we even began, because of that, when we come into a space where we need guidance, we can believe the direction that comes from God, because he is the Creator.
The following bible verses about guidance encourage us to seek God in our decision making.
God’s wisdom shows us the way
We serve the all-knowing creator of the universe. He is where all wisdom begins. When we are seeking guidance, our first thought should be to seek the father. This can be in the form of prayer and meditation or journaling. We should be diligent in seeking god by praying for guidance and wisdom.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
His word is clear about seeking guidance. This bible verse about guidance reminds us that when we trust God to guide us in the right direction, our paths will be straight. Instead of believing in our own understanding we should default to God’s guidance. He sees all, knows all, and is everywhere. When he speaks, he is speaking from a place of all-knowing wisdom. This should be enough to trust his leading.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8
The Lord is conscious of us and our needs. He desires fellowship with us for communion, but also so that we may know his voice when he speaks. When we are consistent in praying for guidance during our quiet time with him our hearts are tuned in to what his voice sounds like. This allows us to hear and obey his guidance and direction more readily. This bible verse about guidance encourages us with the truth that God is instructing us and will teach us the way to go!
His word leads us
The bible is our guidebook and a window into the heart of the Lord. When we find ourselves in a place where we are seeking direction, the word of God should be the first place we look. Unfortunately, many of us lean into what is familiar to us first. That could be our spouse, our friends, and our family. None of these are bad, technically, however, none should take the place of our purposeful seeking of the wisdom of God.
And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.
Isaiah 30:21
This bible verse about guidance describes the power of the word of God. When we are consistent in studying his word, facing difficult decisions becomes easier because His word become our thoughts and the guiding principles we stand upon. His word becomes the ultimate wisdom we seek when we need direction.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
His word not only guides us, but it lights our way. It is the lighthouse when we are in the midst of the storms of lights and it keeps us from getting lost.
The holy spirit helps us in decision making
The last and final piece to seeking god for direction comes from this scripture about guidance.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:26
When we are unsure or how to interpret the word of God and we are having a hard time hearing the voice of God, we have a helper who intercedes for us. It is the still small voice that guides us and helps us, and when we listen, we can hear and understand. The Holy Spirit was given to us to help us follow the path of the Lord!
How do you ask for God’s guidance?
So how do we ask God for guidance? There are four simple steps that we can take to ask for divine direction and prepare ourselves for his answer.
Pray for what you need guidance in – The first thing we need to do is to pray and ask God what we need. This can be a simple prayer or a more intense one, the important thing is that you are first acknowledging your need for God’s wisdom.
Wait with Purpose for his answer – After you have acknowledged your need and asked God for what you want, the next step is to wait well and purposefully. This is a posture more than just sitting. This is expectancy and faith that God will Answer.
Trust that he will answer you – in addition to waiting expectantly you have to trust. The bible says James 1:5-6 that we should ask God for what we need, but we should ask in faith, because the key to our answer is our faith that there will be an answer.
Praise God in advance for his faithfulness – Finally you want to praise God both in advance, through the answer and in thanksgiving for his Answer! You want to thank him for his consistency and faithfulness in hearing you, being concerned for you, and guiding you in the way you should Go.
Prayers for guidance and direction
Whether you seek out scriptures about God’s direction and guidance to pray or add one of the prayers below to your prayer journal routine, I highly recommend incorporating constant communication and quiet time with God to help you make any big decision you have!
A prayer for trust when you can not see the plan
One of the most important things to add to our prayers for guidance is the request for greater trust! Often it is our lack of trust that keeps us from fully embracing everything that God desires of us. Praying for trust of God’s plan can help us grow in faith!
You are the Lover of my soul. You are good, and faithful, and kind. You are the one true King. You are the one true God and I am Yours. You have set Your eyes upon me. You have set Your affections upon me and have delighted in me. You desire oneness with me and You perfect the work with which You began in me. You are a good Father; You do not withhold anything from me that is good in Your timing. You know me intimately. You know how You made me to be. You know what steps are set for my future. Because You know all things, I can rest in Your shadows. Because You are a good God I can trust that Your intentions for me are good. Even when I cannot see, or do not understand, or am anxious, I can trust in Your truth. Your plans for me are good and You will be faithful to see them to completion. Amen
A prayer for guidance and understanding
Our prayers for direction should also include understanding of God’s will. This often includes us spending time studying God’s word. As we study his word deeper we can hear God’s leading in one direction or the other.
Lord I am afraid. Worried that I might fail you, worried that in my haste or excitement, I may move ahead of you and may mess up the things that you have for me. I wonder if I am good enough or capable enough, or even worthy of the blessing to be a vessel that you have bestowed on me. I know this is a lie though, Father. Your word says that nothing can keep me from your love. I know that whatever you have willed for my life is for my life and there is nothing that I can do to mess it up. I know that if you have planned something for my life, then you also give the ability. If there is a road that I am to travel, you provide the light, and the map. You make a way. I give you praise because you are God. Amen
A prayer for guidance in decision making
This prayer for direction will encourage anyone who is struggling with making a tough decision. Whether you are deciding on a career move, a relationship, or a large purchase, it is important to make sure you are making your decisions within the will of God.
O Lord, I am having a hard time determining what to do. During these difficult times, this decision is plaguing me. I turn it over to you. Show me your will in this decision. Give me peace about my next steps! I thank you for your guidance. I am confident that you hear me, because of the gentle whisper in my heart. I will wait confidently, standing on your promises and you word. Seeking your will daily, as I live this life you have planned for me. I know that you will open the doors that need to be opened and will close those that should be closed. I walk in boldness knowing that you go before me! Amen
A prayer of thanks for God’s plans
Thanking God in advance for his hand in your life is another way to help encourage you while you are waiting for God’s answer and guidance. Thank God for his plans, praise Him for his sovereignty.
Lord, I thank You for Your plans for me, and I thank You for walking with me and lighting my path as I lean in towards You. I confess at times; I feel I am not equipped to do the things that You have for me to do. I begin to analyze myself, I am critical, I look at myself and my own strength, and I feel inadequate. I know my past, and I allow the small voice of doubt to make me question my purpose, question my worth, question my desires. Lord God, I know that if You have brought me to a place, if You have placed a desire on my heart, then I know that You have already provided sufficient grace to see me through to the end. In my own strength, I am powerless, but in You, I can do all things! Amen
A prayer for next steps
Are you praying for guidance and direction? The word of God says if you seek him with all your heart you will find him, and he is faithful to answer! Pray this prayer of wisdom when you are desiring to know what step next steps to take, and then sit still before the Lord and listen for his voice.
Father, I ask now; as I walk in boldness with You, as I take these steps, as I grab Your hand and lean into Your plans for me, that You would cover me in Your peace, still my restless and human heart, remind me of Your word through Your holy spirit, do not be far from me, but reach down from heaven and let Your presence be ever near me. I choose You because You first chose me, You pursued me with a relentless love, a love I cannot begin to fathom, a love that I know I do not desire, and yet Your love is unshakable. Lord I ask that you show me what my next step is. Light my path and my way and guide me in the ways you would have me go! I look to you, and follow your footsteps! I praise You name for Your goodness! Amen
A Prayer of praise for guidance
When you pray for wisdom you should also be praying with the expectancy that God will answer. Because of this expectation of God’s help, our daily prayers for guidance should include praise for Gods faithfulness in guiding you through life. This prayer of praise for guidance in our good decisions can help get you started as you give thanks to God for his goodness.
Father, my God, you are holy. You are kind and I am in awe of you. Your creation speaks of the majesty of your power, and the beauty of your mind. The peace within me speaks to your heart for me. Lord, I lean into you! I love to spend these moments with you. I love to be in your presence. These moments, when it is just you and I, and I feel your hand upon my heart.
When I feel your spirit surround me, when I hear you call me name. I live for this, Lord. This relationship with you. There is nothing else I desire more than the beauty of these moments with you. Thank you, Father, for inclining your ear to me, for hearing my cries to you and for being my peace, my hope, and my future. I rest in your promises! My confidence is built upon your faithfulness to me! I praise you name and give you all the glory.
A Prayer for guidance and peace
Often times, we struggle with determining the right path, the right decision, or the right way to go in our life! We are unsure of the best way for our life. This uncertainty reminds us that the right choices only come with daily communication with the Lord! He will help us every step of the way! This short prayer for guidance and peace will help you petition our holy Lord for divine wisdom.
Almighty God, You are so graceful and merciful to me Father. You have a plan for my life, one that I can’t even begin to imagine. Full of adventure, and love, and beauty, and You. Your plans for me are for good, and you desire to walk that path for me. I admit, though, that at times I get anxious, I get nervous, and start feeling a need to take a next step when you Lord ask me only to rest, and wait for you to illuminate the next steps.
At times I run ahead of you, believing I see where you have me going, I begin taking steps in my own strength and run off course! I am so grateful for you mercy, as you lovingly shepherd me back to center. You wrap me in your arms and bring me back to the place where we started. Back to me, being patient in you. Without you Lord I am simply going in circles with no purpose.
Forgive me for striving Lord. Striving for more without your guidance. Striving out of impatience. Spinning my wheels. Lord, I need your peace. I will not move until you have given me your peace in this situation. Thank you for answering my request! In Christ Jesus name, Amen.
A prayer for guidance and understanding
God’s ways are so much greater than our own so when praying for direction we also must pray for understanding. Many times God’s answer may not look like what we are expecting and that can lead to anxiety and stress if we don’t also ask the Lord for divine understanding and faith to continue to press forward even when we do not understand.
Lord I am afraid. Worried that I might fail you, worried that in my haste or excitement, I may move ahead of you and may mess up the things that you have for me. I wonder if I am good enough or capable enough, or even worthy of the blessing to be a vessel that you have bestowed on me. I know this is a lie though, o God. Your word says that nothing can keep me from your love. I know that whatever you have willed for my life is for my life and there is nothing that I can do to mess it up.
I know that if you have planned something for my life, then you also give the ability. If there is a road that I am to travel, you provide the light, and the map. You make a way. I give you praise because you are God. In the Lord Jesus Christ’s holy name, Amen
A prayer for direction
We serve a merciful god who is always speaking and leading us on a straight path during tough times! When you are looking for divine guidance pray this prayer to help calm your anxious thoughts.
Dear Lord, I am having a hard time determining what to do. This decision is plaguing me. I turn it over to you. Show me your will in this decision. Give me peace about my next steps! I thank you for your guidance.
I am confident that you hear me, because of the gentle whisper in my heart. I will wait confidently, standing on your promises and you word. Seeking your will daily, as I live this life you have planned for me.
I know that you will open the doors that need to be opened and will close those that should be closed. I walk in boldness knowing that you go before me! In the precious name of Jesus, Amen
What should you do next?
If you have prayed one or many of these prayers for wisdom and guidance and you are waiting for God to answer, be patient, be consistent, and be open. Our father is a good shepherd and he is ready to help you with any difficult decision during the uncertain times of life.
Getting into a rhythm of resting in God’s presence will help you be available to hear him. Doing the last thing he asked of you will also help, no matter how mundane it may be!
This post throughly addresses the matters of the heart while waiting and how to handle it. It blessed my spirit that I am not alone, and assured me of how to handle it. Thank you for your obedience. This piece made a difference.