Self-care is a hot topic this day and age. It has become the it word in certain self-help and personal development circles, and for good reason. Self-care is a concept that has been misrepresented, particularly in Christian circles. It is an idea that when used properly should be vital to our daily routines, but sadly is not. Having a way to accurately assess our need for self-care is vital to changing the narrative about self-care and moms. The Embracing Rest Self-Care Quiz can help get you started on the road to a lifestyle of resting and self-care that honors your individual needs.
As Busy women we often find ourselves running on empty. Pouring ourselves out for those around us, at our jobs and in our homes until there is nothing left. Then we find some way to use the fumes in our tank to continue pressing day by day. This is not what abundant life and purpose looks like.
When we do not take the time to assess our individual needs and then translate that into an actionable guide for taking care of ourselves, we will eventually find ourselves burnt out and bitter. Assessing our mindset, preconceived notions, and biases about self-care allows us to break out of our old habits and embrace the rest we desperately need.
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How do you assess your need for rest and self-care?
You know your tired. You feel tired and possibly antsy at the end of every day. You work a full day and then get home and it seems as if the second shift gets started. Assessing your needs doesn’t have to be difficult. It just requires you to take account on your feeling about rest, relaxation and personal care.
Determine how much value you place on rest
The first thing you should consider with evaluating your need for rest is to determining how much you value self-care and rest. Being overworked and exhausted are potential indicators but they don’t really tell the whole story. In order to determine if you value rest, consider the following questions:
- Do you make rest a priority in your day?
- When your spouse takes a nap on the weekend, what is your reaction?
- Do you say yes to obligations when you know you are too tired or too stretched to add more to your plate?
- Do you and your family have morning or bedtime routines?
- Does the idea of rest feel impossible in your current lifestyle?
The answers to these questions can be telling regarding your personal thoughts about self-care. Do not beat yourself up if your responses are not where you want them to be, just know that this is a starting point for you to grow.
Determine what area of life is lacking in rest and self-care
Depending on what you read there are multiple different types of self-care. Here I like to focus on six of them. I consider four of the methods of self-care to be major versions. These are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, and are the most described versions of self-care discussed throughout personal development circles. The additional two that I write about are practical self-care and social self-care. These two methods of taking care of yourself often have aspects of the major four categories and are also the types of self-care that we more readily accomplish on a day to day basis.
Before you undertake the process of adding a self-care routine to your schedule, it is imperative that you determine where to start. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with trying to do all the self-care things and ultimately losing momentum. Instead of attempting to completely overhaul your life in a weekend, start with a single method of self-care, incorporate that into your life and then move on to the next one.
Here are some questions about the four major methods of self-care that you can ask yourself, or journal to help you determine where to start your self-care journey.
Mental Self-Care: Do you worry when your mind is idle? Do you feel like you are in a fog? Are you easily bored or distractible?
Physical Self-Care: Are you noticing more aches and pains without significant physical exertion? Do you suffer from conditions like heartburn, bloating, or headaches? Do you find yourself more and more sluggish at the end of the day?
Spiritual Self-Care: How is your prayer life? Have you lost desire to serve? When was the last time you gathered with other Christians in an intimate setting and fellowshipped (small group or bible study)?
Emotional Self-Care: Do you resent helping others? Are you easily offended? Are you battling an old emotional wound after weeks, months, or years?
Considering these questions can bring up some difficult revelations. You may notice that you have significantly been neglecting yourself for years. It’s okay! Allow yourself the grace to acknowledge these thoughts, and then start working on a plan to find balance through practicing personal Care. The Embracing Rest Self-Care Quiz is a great place to start!
What is the Embracing Rest Self-Care Quiz and how does it work?
The Embracing Rest Self-Care Quiz was designed to help busy moms quickly and easily determine the type of self-care their daily routines are lacking. This self-care quiz consists of 36 multiple questions that help determine where your greatest need for self-care lies. Following the assessment you’ll receive a personalized self-care profile to help you begin implementing that method of self-care into a daily routine that is both manageable and maintainable.
Each profile includes a description of the type of self-care you will be focusing on as well as our list of 40 ideas for incorporating more self-care activities into your daily rhythms.
This free self-care assessment has already helped so many busy women become more aware of areas where self-care has been lacking in their lives! Many moms have been able to use their Quiz results to create a self-care plan that has become a needed addition to their lives.
How do you engage in self-care following the assessment?
After your have completed your assessment and received your profile you should absolutely create a self-care checklist and post it somewhere visible for easy access. Use it as a method to remind yourself of your commitment to your health.
Self-Care is a process that requires a time, patience, and dedication to maintain. Having a tribe to encourage you along the way helps. I encourage you to join our Rest and Reset group on Facebook to join other women also seeking to balance their busy lives and make caring for themselves a priority.
Take the Embracing Rest Self-Care Quiz today and make the commitment to prioritize the care of you!